July 08, 2020

There is a second novel I am thinking

Not directly, but it’s hard to escape the subject of redevelopment if you have grown up in the city or have family here. About four or five years ago, I decided to put these characters in Mumbai and the story evolved from there. There is a second novel I am thinking about, something very different from the first, but it will be a while before I start writing it. The three protagonists (Ira, Kartik and Kaiz) and their struggle also developed organically over a decade. That said, stories can be specific and universal at the same time. I work at a non-profit research lab that works on Artificial Intelligence solutions for social good. To some extent, I slid towards engineering and IIT. But writing about the subject required a fair amount of research. The story might be a uniquely Mumbai story, but the novel is really about finding your place in a changing world. I have family members who have been on both sides: tenants and landlords. The novel is about the three protagonists figuring out who they are, it’s about middle class society defining and asserting itself in the 90s. My brother came out to me before Section 377 was scrapped, and for years I dissuaded him from telling our parents that he was gay.Was Karthik’s character based on your brother or perhaps influenced by him?You can say that the character is somewhat based on me but influenced by my brother.This book was apparently turned down by several publishers before it finally got picked up. But I chose Stanford very consciously, hoping to follow Vikram Seth’s footsteps and write my first book while there. For what it’s worth, I sent the same manuscript to two publishers, and both made me offers. So what compelled you to study at IIT and then Stanford and get into management after that?I don’t see those as contradictory choices.You have lived in different cities and moved homes several times, but you seem to have a strong affinity towards Mumbai, is that why you choose to base your book here or was it an organic process based on how your story evolved?Growing up, I lived in four different cities — and one town, Godhra — but most of my extended family was in Mumbai. One of the reasons for that, I suspect, is that there’s something about Mumbai’s urbanity that’s universal. Why do you think that happened? What kind of initial feedback were you motorcycle bearing Manufacturers given?The book was turned down by 13 agents. Going into management consulting was a bit of a mistake though, it didn’t suit my temperament at all. Also, I wanted to break away from the trend of Indian novels in English bearing lyrical, poetic names. This was the seed for Kartik’s character. I simply don’t have that kind of courage, I care too much about what other people think. The title came much after the line. It’s a different matter that I wasted my time at Stanford and wrote nothing. When the book was done, I remember thinking, wait, this is such a small, simple story, why did it take me almost four years to write it? The truth is that a lot of that time was spent doing research and letting the facts stew in my head till they began to feel like lived experience. Not only did he come out to the family, but he also came out quite publicly on a popular Facebook page. Is it also a reference to the journey the characters undergo?The phrase appears just once in the novel, in a passage that refers to the peace after the blasts.You have extensively dealt with the redevelopment angle and its impact on the residents. It’s not been easy switching contexts between AI and the world of Milk Teeth for the past month, to tear my mind away from data and algorithms to talk about literature, cities, love, and class. There were major problems with the draft I sent to agents. I spent every summer vacation and winter break there. Much like Kaiz in my novel, I have been fascinated by Mumbai’s history, its role and form in our consciousness. I think publishers saw the potential in it and were willing to place a bet that they could help me fix the parts that were not working. But she was right (she always is!), this is a Bombay novel: this story, these characters could not have been located anywhere else, or in another decade. I could not have done what he did.. I even wrote a paper about the representation of Mumbai in popular media over the years for a course in college. I am so glad he did not take my rubbish advice. I loved maths and physics in school, and was also very good at those subjects.The book is set in a middle-class Mumbai suburb and will appeal to those who are familiar with the city, but do you think it will have the same impact on a non Mumbaikar?I hope so! The initial response has been very positive. Arundhati Roy studied architecture, Vikram Seth economics, and Amitabha Bagchi is a professor of computer science to this day. Too much of the tension was buried in the past. Most Indian writers have no formal training in writing and many have non-literary professions. It was (my publisher) Karthika who first called it a ‘Bombay novel’ and I pushed back because I thought that was too narrow. Still, I am the product of my experiences, and this book could not have been what it is without my years at IIT Bombay and Stanford. It is the city I know best. One devastating rejection letter stopped short of saying I should abandon the book. Agents probably did not see the value in investing that much time and effort in a new writer.You have mentioned that despite your background in aeronautical engineering, you always wanted to be a writer. I had the most fun writing his part: the voice in his section is close to my inner voice, and of all the characters in the book, his personality is closest to mine. The title conveys a sense of becoming. When it gets overwhelming, I take a step back and observe how bizarre this situation is and then I feel privileged that I get to occupy such different worlds. My novel is sharp, contemporary, and playful, so Milk Teeth was perfect. I am still getting to know the characters. It was only when I was on draft number four that the words jumped out at me: it hit me that this was the perfect title. Every rejection letter said that the writing was very good, but there were many complaints — the most common ones being that there was too little plot and no international hook. It’s about what happens when people fail to do that and the ways in which they hurt each other.Now that your book is out, where do you go from here?I started a new job soon after I submitted my final draft to my publisher.An aeronautical engineer, who harboured the dream to write a book and persisted despite rejections from publishers, Amrita Mahale’s debut novel is a fascinating read into the world of middle class Mumbai, its people and their lives. Did this come from personal exposure to such situations as your insight into the subject is pretty deep. And it might seem hard to imagine now, but there was no redevelopment subplot in that version.The title Milk Teeth is intriguing and I gather you are referring to the peace post the Mumbai blasts. It was interesting to distill some of my own anxieties and dissatisfactions through a male character, to build in some male entitlement. My own family moved every couple of years, so Bombay (and later Mumbai) became a fixed point of sorts in my itinerant childhood

Posted by: chinabearingd at 03:20 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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June 17, 2020

No action has been taken to arrest the decline

No action has been taken to arrest the decline of fish population."A few decades ago, Odisha rivers had more than 1,500 native fish species. Fresh water catch has declined by 80 per cent during the past two decades, prominent among them is Hilsa, which breeds only in fresh water of rivers. They now sell above Rs 500 per kg. A majority of them are also migrating to other states in search of livelihood."For 17 years now, WSO has been demanding a ban on river and lake fishing during the breeding season, but to no avail.Investigations revealed that a large number of fishermen now put up nets at the gates of barrages at Naraj and Mundali and Jobra on the Kathjodi and Mahanadi rivers to catch migrating fish the year round.Experts feel there is an urgent need to ensure unhindered fish migration in Odisha’s rivers such as Mahanadi, Brahmani, Baitarani rivers, which are dotted with barrages and dams."The fisheries department may issue necessary directions to the water resources department for implementing this. Jena, a river water expert. It is facing near extinction, while hundreds of other species have disappeared. The egg-bearing or gravid fish are caught in large numbers at the barrages, dam gates, canal locks and anicuts.Native species of shrimp caught in Balasore. Carps of more than 2 to 3 kg have become uncommon in the rivers as there is fishing round the year. Most of them are almost extinct now. Fishing should be banned at least up to 200 metres on either side of the fish ladders to save the migrating fish,"said Dr P. Massive use of pesticides in the farm fields has taken a toll on these small fish varieties.6 lakh fishermen, which is forcing them to take up other vocations.Bhubaneswar: Rivers in Odisha are fast becoming poisonous and inhabitable for native fish species.Assessment of fish catch in distributaries of Mahanadi river such as Luna, Chitrotpala, Birupa, Kathjodi, Devi, Kandal and Paika has revealed a major fall in the earnings of fishermen.During the monsoon floods, the fish move upstream for spawning purposes. As a result, due to lack of spawning, Hilsa population is declining rapidly. The nets are put up as traps throughout the year and the fishermen regularly haul up the nets using ropes and catch fish of all sizes, including juveniles.Due to shortage of river fish, the prices in the markets have jumped to as much as Rs 400 per kg which was sold at less than Rs 200 per kg a few years ago.Recently, Wildlife Society of Odisha (WSO), a development organisation, in a letter to state fisheries and animal resources department (FARD) demanded the need to conserve the motorcycle bearing Manufacturers rapidly dwindling native fish species of the state.K.Depletion of a number of native fish species has led to a sharp decline in income of 6.The fishermen can easily catch the fish once they cross the gates where they are vulnerable. Some of them such as Pohola, Kerandi and Mahurali are soon going to be extinct in the near future.Hilsa, one of the most sought-after fish species, has almost disappeared from Odisha rivers since the entry into the rivers from sea in the rainy season is being checked at the river mouths. It is tragic the government is apathetic to this problem that is impacting the livelihood of fishermen of the state," Dr Biswajit Mohanty, secretary, WSO, said. Experts suggest that fish ladders can address this problem. As a result, the price for these fish has more than doubled from less than Rs 100 a few years ago," experts said..The catch size of freshwater carps has undergone a huge decline.Use of dangerous chemical poison to catch shrimp in the river banks has lead to a decline in fresh water shrimp

Posted by: chinabearingd at 03:05 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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May 19, 2020

Advertisement The Hitler sculpture

Advertisement The Hitler sculpture is one of about 80 figures, including world leaders and celebrities, at the wax and visual effects centre.In January, a controversial Nazi-themed cafe in the western Javanese city of Bandung closed.1 million people were killed.The venue, which featured swastika-bearing walls and photos of Hitler, sparked global uproar when reports about the unusual venue surfaced several years ago.De ARCA Statue Art Museum in the Javanese city of Jogjakarta drew swift condemnation from rights groups after details of the controversial display were published in foreign media.Misbah said he thought it was "normal for visitors to take photos in front of displays, but said the museum respected the exhibit had upset people from around the world."We dont want to attract outrage," Misbah told AFP.The museums operations manager, Jamie Misbah, said the the wax sculpture had been removed after the building was alerted to criticism from prominent Jewish human rights organisation the Simon Wiesenthal Center.The exhibit features a sure-footed Hitler standing in front of a huge photo of the gates of Auschwitz - the largest Nazi concentration camp where more than 1.The Nazi-themed exhibit was a popular attraction for visitors to take selfies, and photos circulating on social media show customers - including children - posing with Hitler and in some cases non-standard bearing using the Nazi salute.Historians have blamed poor schooling for the lack of awareness and sensitivity about the Holocaust in Indonesia, which is home to the worlds biggest Muslim population and a small number of Jews."Our purpose to display the Hitler figure in the museum is to educate.An Indonesian museum that allowed visitors to take selfies with a life-size wax sculpture of Hitler against a backdrop of Auschwitz concentration camp has removed the exhibit following international outrage, the manager said Saturday (Nov 11)

Posted by: chinabearingd at 03:20 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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